Len Donald's Custom Knives and Woodworking

Len Donald's Custom Knives and Woodworking
Len Donald
Phone Number

I’ve always had a good imagination so when I discovered my ability to create handmade art from wood, I immediately fell in love with it. My knives are made with beautiful and unique Damascus forged steel and hand crafted exotic and local wood handles with beautifully designed leather sheaths. Every knife is a beautiful, unique piece of art. I make bowie, hunting/bushcraft, cleavers, chef knives and other types made to order. (Tip: knife blades should always be cleaned and treated with oil after use to keep them in great shape) I also make hand turned wooden bowls, birdhouses, walking sticks and wall art. Please visit me at the local markets to see my unique handmade items, or contact me if you would like custom work done. Great gift ideas handmade in the beautiful West Kootenays.

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